Learning English can be a challenge. Here are some tips to learning English faster.
Don't be afraid to fail
Ask questions
Learn through interactions
Don't be afraid to fail
When it comes to learning a language, many people are worried about making mistsakes and embarassing themselves. They end up making "safe choices" and stop taking risks by trying new words or grammar structures they've learned. Language learning requires practice, but if you are afraid of making mistsakes, you will give up the opportunities you have to practice. In fact, making mistakes is even more effective for language learning than getting it right because you are more likely to remember it.
Ask questions
If you come across a word you don't know or don't understand a grammatical structure, ask someone who does know. If you don't have time to ask or it's not the right situation, make a note of it and look it up later. Especially learning new words from daily conversation, these words are more frequently used, so taking the time to learn the words and understand it will significantly improve your English skills.
Learn through interactions
A classroom setting is good for learning English theory, but the most effective way to learn a language is through interactions. Interactions create natural opportunities to learn, often while doing something else. This makes them more fun and gives more meaning to the words and phrases you learn, making it more likely that you will remember them. Doing activities together with a native English speaker is the best way to do this, but you can also watch English TV shows. In particular, shows that are about every day interactions will be most beneficial, as most of the words and phrases you learn will also be applicable to you.
Learn English FAST with Tokyo Titan
I am Tokyo Titan, a native Engllish speaker and ISSA certified bodybuilding specialist trainer and nutritionist, with a diploma in linguistics and education. Through natural conversations while we train and talk together, I will help you to improve your English conversation skills while achieving your fitness goals. Lessons are provided at my personal gym, located in Ota-ku, Tokyo, and also online, allowing you to choose the format that best suits your schedule and location. Contact me today to kickstart your journey into English learning and fitness.